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4.0 Results
5.0 Reflections
By reflecting on the different aspects of the study I feel that throughout the research development and pilot process, much has been learned. Specifically, three key important aspects of my work were developed. First, the expectations that I had about the research compared to what I discovered during the actual research experience was surprising because I realized that gaining experience in doing the interviews, for example, was important for several reasons. The first reason is that during the research process of conducting interviews, I could see that more probing of participants’ answers was needed. I did not expect that they would not have much to say on while answer the questions. The second reason is that gaining more experience with conducting interviews will only help to improve my ability to turn the interviews more into a conversation around the topic. I believe I will have to spend more time initially with building rapport with the interview participants. I will need to better prepare how to begin the discussion rather than just going down the list of questions with them. I believe this will no doubt be improved with more experience and more thoughtful planning. And the third reason is that, having not had much previous experience in doing qualitative work as a whole, I have discovered how time consuming the qualitative research process is. Part of my research professional development will be to take this into consideration in the future when planning qualitative work.
6.0 Conclusions, Recommendations and Implications
To sum up, since this pilot study was to explore employee’s reasons for participation and non-participation, conclusions cannot be drawn but merely evidence shown on what was found. Further research can go more into how and why employee’s reason may create barriers or facilitators to participation for employee in more of an explanatory type of study where the information from this study can point to certain theoretical explanations for the problem. More research is need on this topic to fill the gap in the literature, beyond just employee perspectives on the issue. To the level of achievement of the pilot study aims and objectives, valuable information has been gained from the data collected but further analysis will be continued prior to the main study. Because there is not a lot recent literature on this topic of employee reasons for participation it can be considered as an underdeveloped phenomenon within workplace wellness research. Nonetheless, it is up to the employers to ensure that they conduct sensitization to ensure that their workers participate in wellness programs. External trainers should be sought to teach the employees about the benefits of staying fit.
6.1 Further research
Although the current research philosophy basis for this exploratory phase of the research topic has been subjective in nature and one of interpretivism, it is the researcher’s belief that there is room for objective data to contribute to the main study thereby the possibility of using more of a pragmatic approach may be considered. This is because it would create triangulation around the topic and could be useful for expanding more directions for further research. For example, there are still questions on this topic that could be addressed by taking a quantitative approach within an organisation to find out more generalizable data by investigating the numbers of employee’s who feel an on-site gym is a good investment for the organisation. This could be based on whether or not they would use the gym or not by finding out how many of the employees plan to participate and how many so not. Also, it would be interesting to get a general consensus on the number of employees who feel it is or is not convenient for them to use the on-site gym during the working day. Therefore, to gain even more insight into the topic of employee’s reasons for participating or not participating in an on-site workplace gym.
6.2 Implications for Business Practice
The implication for business practice on this topic of employee health and their reasons for participation or non-participation in an on-site workplace gym is the research can help inform organizations whether or not investing in an on-site workplace gym would be a good investment in terms of contributing to employee health improvement if employee’s have more reasons that deter them from participating than reasons that motivate employee participation.
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