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Guidelines of Writing a Quality Dissertation Paper

Posted on Jun 11, 2020 by Administrator

Guidelines of Writing a Quality Dissertation Paper

What many scholars do not know is that most research projects start with questions. Before they start writing their dissertations, students need to revisit the theories and topics they have studied in their programs. They should look for questions they feel that their knowledge body has not been adequately answered. After finding the questions, they should start searching for information that is relevant to their topics as well as their theoretical frameworks. Afterward, they should read everything starting from literature, academic research to information on the internet and in the popular press. As they become informed about their topics and past research that is related to their topics, their knowledge is supposed to propose purposes for their dissertations. However, it is obvious that this is not a simple task for every scholar and that’s why it is advisable to seek Ph.D. dissertation help from experts.

After successful articulation of purposes, it will be easy to start writing proposals, which are made of the first three chapters.  The following guidelines will help you write an outstanding dissertation. It shows what should be included from the abstract to the reference list. However, if you do not trust your research project writing skills, feel free to hire dissertation editors to go through your work again. While editing your dissertation, they should make sure you have followed each guideline below:


Many sections come between the title page and chapter one but will discuss the abstract because it is the most important when compared to the rest. Even though this part is very short, it is the first section and sometimes the only part of the research project that people get to read, therefore it should be written perfectly.

An abstract should:

  • Have a length of around 150-300 words
  • Mention the key topics and research aims
  • Explain the methods that have been used
  • Give a summary of the key results
  • State the conclusions

Chapter 1: Introduction

The introduction should contain engaging and clear information that is relevant to one’s research. Readers should be able to grasp how, what, and why they are conducting the research project.

Your dissertation introduction should include:

  • Your dissertation topic
  • Definition of  the scope of the research
  • Discussion of the state of available existing research on your topic
  • Clearly stated research objectives and questions 
  • An overview of the structure of your dissertation

Chapter 2: Literature review

Before one begins writing his or her study, it is good to carry out a literature review to understand the scholarly work that exists about his or her dissertation topic.

In other words, you should do the following:

  • Collect sources such as journal articles and books and choose those that are relevant to your study
  • Critically analyze and assess all sources
  • Draw connections between those sources

You need to make sure that your literature review does the following:

  • Addresses a void in the literature
  • Takes a fresh methodological or theoretical approach to  your topic
  • Suggests a solution to a problem that is not solved
  • Offers a theoretical debate advancement
  • Empowers and adds new data to available knowledge

Chapter 3: Methodology

The methodology aims to precisely report what the author or researcher did and persuade readers that this was a suitable way for responding to the research objectives or questions. The chapter describes how the research was conducted and it should include:

  • The general approach and kind of research (qualitative, experimental, quantitative, ethnographic)
  • Methods of data collection like surveys, interviews, archives
  • Details such as where, whom, and when the research was conducted
  • Methods of data analysis such as discourse analysis, statistical analysis
  • Materials and tools used like lab equipment, computer programs
  • Discussion of any challenges faced in carrying out the research and the author overcame them
  • Justification or evaluation of the methods

Chapter 4: Data Analysis, Results & Findings

This section only addresses results from the data analysis. Here, things like findings implications and other research literature are not discussed. It includes:

  • Outline of exploratory or descriptive analysis if any were carried out
  • Data analysis
  • Discussion of ex post facto analysis
  • Illustration and summaries of numeric data
  • A short descriptive profile of participants

Chapter 5: Discussion, Conclusion & Recommendations

The purpose of this section is to discuss the meaning of your findings in relation to the theoretical knowledge body on your profession or topic. It should contain the following:

  • Discussion of your findings according to the theoretical framework that was introduced in chapter two
  • Introduction of new literature (mostly with qualitative research)
  • Provide practical implications of the study 
  • Discussion of the study’s pedagogical implications
  • Outline the research limitations.
  • Propose areas that need further research
  • A short conclusion that provides closure
  • A very strong last sentence

Reference list

This is the last section of the dissertation. It is also referred to as a bibliography or works cited list. It contains:

·Relevant sources that have been examined

·You must have a consisted citation style


This part contains the following:

  • Bibliographic essay
  • Coding manual
  • Questionnaire
  • Raw data

Once you are done with writing, you should buy dissertation proofreading services from qualified and experienced editors. These proofreaders will offer you value for your money and make sure that you succeed in your work. Since they are professionals, they will ensure that you submit the best possible research project, which will make you stand out from the rest and catch the attention of not only your supervisor but also your faculty. They will help you eliminate all writing mistakes in your project and you will be able to submit a clear, concise, and coherent document to your supervisor.

After you are done with writing a dissertation, you need to prepare your dissertation PowerPoint slides because you will be required to present your work in slides. When creating a PowerPoint presentation, you must ensure that you select the proper slide design and the appropriate font style and size. Do not forget to use animations in your slides as they make what you are presenting more attractive. Graphs and charts are also unavoidable if you want your data presentation to be the best.

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  1. Place an order.
  2. Make payment.
  3. Receive payment confirmation via email.
  4. The order is assigned to a writer.
  5. The writer delivers the first draft to an editor.
  6. The editor reviews the draft and requests changes.
  7. The writer makes changes and delivers the final draft.
  8. The final draft is delivered to you via email.
  9. Review the draft and request a revision within 1 month for free (very rare).

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  • Undergraduate, Master or PhD certified

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  • Correct referencing (APA, Harvard, MLA, etc.)
  • Use of graphics/ pictures/ images
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Get these Services for Free

  • Title page
  • Reference list
  • Turnitin report

NB: Custom Papers Writing Help provides custom writing services for research and study assistance purposes only. Our uniquely created reports are meant to help students with the necessary guidelines for their academic coursework tasks.


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