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Dissertation Chapter 3 | Thesis Methodology Chapter Sample

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3.4 Participants

A sample is a small subset of the entire population being considered in the research (Banerjee and Chaudhury 2010). A sample population of six participants from a university located in Central Scotland responded to the interview questions, which addressed their experiences of having an on-site workplace gym.  The criteria used for participant selection was based on a purposive sample of university staff. Individuals who were not employees of the university were excluded from the research. Purposive sampling allows the researcher to select a sample size in a convenient way. Purposive sampling was suitable for this qualitative research since the in-depth of information was crucial than the sample size and hence, the researcher purposively selects main participants with respect to the aim of the study and ensure they are well familiar with the topic in order to provide in-depth evidence (Acharya et al. 2013). Unlike quantitative research where the data from a large sample size can be quantified, qualitative research is dependent on the value of the information collected. As a result, purposive sampling was suitable to select participants who can provide in-depth information on why employees’ participate or don’t participate in an on-site workplace gym. However, in purposive sampling variability and biasness cannot be controlled or measured. Also, it is not possible to generalize results from the data collected beyond the sample selected using purposive sampling (Etikan et al. 2016).

3.5 Data Collection Procedure

Primary interview data was collected for the current pilot study. The six voluntary participants sampled for the study consented to taking part in the anonymous semi-structured interviews.  The interviews were carried out in a private room on campus and each interview was approximately 15 – 20 minutes in length. The employees were considered as either participants or non-participants in the on-site gym.  They were presented with open-ended questions based on why they participate or do not participate in the on-site gym.  These questions allowed an exploration of their experiences to help gain a better understanding of their reasons about how participation or non-participation had an impact on their wellness, physically and psychologically. Besides, the questioned explored whether they felt t participation or non-participation had an impact on work-related factors and if they felt they were supported to participate by the university.

First, the participants were presented with an information sheet about the study (see Appendix A).  Next, the participants were given the interview schedule to review before starting the interviews to get an idea about what types of questions they would be asked (see Appendix B).  Lastly, the participants were presented with a consent form and asked to sign it if they fully understood and agreed to take part in the study (see Appendix C). Each of the participants was given the liberty to fill in the questionnaires on their own. The study was independently done with the participants receiving minimal or no help at all with the questions. All of the interviews were digitally recorded and saved in a computer. The information was highly protected with a password to ensure that it does not leak to third parties.

3.6 Data Analysis

In qualitative research, data analysis is considered to have a two-fold purpose. The first purpose is to understand the participants’ perspective concerning the study aims and objects. The second purpose is to answer the research questions formulated (Creswell 2014). Creswell  (2014) defines qualitative analysis in terms of organizing, understanding and attributing meaning to the data obtained with it main goals as generating themes and patterns that are related. The pilot research used thematic analysis to analyse the research data obtained. Thematic analysis is regarded as a qualitative method of systematically identifying, organizing and presenting insights into patterns of meanings across a data set (Braun and Clarke 2012). According to Braun and Clarke (2012), the thematic analysis method suits a wide variety of research topics and research questions. This method of analysis is common with qualitative research design. Thematic analysis pinpoints themes and patterns in a set of given data. The themes and patterns are important and are associated with the research questions. In the context, the study utilized this form of analysis to deduce conclusions and make inferences. The researcher followed the steps as illustrated by Braun and Clarke (2012) to perfom the theantic analysis.The themes gathered from data obtained through the interview questionnaires were related to the aims and objectives presented in this pilot study.

3.7 Ethical Considerations

Every research is limited to various ethical considerations whereby it’s the duty of the researcher to ensure ethics are followed throughout the research process which concerns the participation of human subjects. Once ethical approval for the pilot study had been gained from the institution review board as well as the university where participants were sampled, interviews were conducted.  Steps were taken to ensure that participants were given enough information regarding the pilot study in order for them to make a sound decision of participating in the study. Information on the purpose and benefits of the pilot study was shared to the participants through the informed consent form. Participants were further required to sign the informed consent form in order to participate in the pilot study. Those participants who failed to sign the informed consent form did not participate in the research. The procedure if data collection was also effectively communicated to the participants. The participants were provided the researcher’s contact in case of any question or inquiry regarding the pilot study.

The dignity and independence of the research participants was respected. The researcher informed the participants that they were free to exit the interview process at any given time if they wished to do so. Participation in the pilot study was voluntary and no incentives were given to the research participants in order for them to take part in the interview sessions.

The participants were guaranteed of anonymity and the researcher ensured the confidentiality of their recorded responses to the interview questions. No participant was prompted to give out any sensitive or personal information during the interviews.  The participants were also informed that the data they provide will solely be used for research purposes.  The researcher further ensured the privacy of the information provided by the participants in the study and access to the study was restricted to only those participants who provided data. Data obtained was stored in a strong password secured and encrypted flash disk. Only the researcher had access to the data which will be kept for a period of 2 years for consultation and research purposes after which it will be destroyed.



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