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Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the Custom Papers Writing Help website. Our privacy policy explains to you how we use personal information collected at this website. Please review our policy before using this site or submitting your personal details. By browsing this website, you accept the practices we have laid down. These practices are based to change on a timely basis as found helpful by this website. However, these changes are applied going forward from the date of the update. Hence, we encourage you to always read our privacy policy every time you visit our website.

Collection of Information: We collect personal information or details as voluntarily submitted by our customers. These details might include work requirements, work drafts, emails, personal names, and postal addresses, among others. The information we collect is only used to ensure we provide the best assistance by consistently following the provided requirements and gathering further details that may be necessary for your order. Besides, we may use your email to send you our special offers, new products, and services in the future. We encourage our customers to consult admin@custompaperswritinghelp.com in case their personal information is breached whereby they may receive unwarranted emails.

Distribution of Information: We only share information with government agencies or private companies that assist us in fraud prevention and investigation. However, this only happens when;

  1. We are obliged to do so as required by law.
  2. When we aim to protect against potential fraud or unauthorized transactions.
  3. When investigating a fraud.

Commitment to Data Security: All personal information including clients' work is kept secure and confidential. Only our customer support team, who have agreed through written consent to keep this information secure, can access the information.

Privacy Contact Details: If you have any further concerns or contributions to our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us by email; at admin@custompaperswritinghelp.comKindly note that we still reserve the right to make changes to these policies, however, all changes are updated in real-time as they are implemented.

Everyone is entitled to privacy and confidentiality whenever he visits our site or uses our services. We have set up strict rules and regulations to ensure that our customer support, editors, and writers observe privacy and confidentiality. Only our customer support can access your personal details. Below are key areas we have invested in to ensure services offered are kept private and confidential;

  • We write 100% from scratch, hence each work is written as new.
  • We don't resell submitted papers.
  • We do not share personal and work details with third parties.
  • Your payment details are saved by trusted dealers such as PayPal.



Thank you for completing my dissertation. I never thought it could be that easy to pay someone to do the analysis and write the discussions. Thank you a million times.

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Charles D

Charles D

I am delighted my friend referred me here. I received the best essay writing service up to my final year.

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Peter Thomas

Peter Thomas

I never thought I'd say this, but I actually enjoyed working on my GIS assignment with their help. The tutors were patient, and their guidance made the subject less intimidating. I'm a happy student!

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Sophie R.

Sophie R.

Thank you, Custom Papers Writing Help, for the excellent assistance with my assignment. I will always seek your help when I am stuck.

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James Patterson

James Patterson

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Trustworthy Services

  • Get 24/7 assistance.
  • Get a masterpiece of work.
  • Step-by-step help.
  • We meet your expectations.
  • High-standard work.
  • Expert writing & editing.
  • Various discipline writers.
  • Academic documents help.
  • Scientific papers assistance.
  • Professional documents aid.

How it Works

  1. Place an order.
  2. Make payment.
  3. Receive payment confirmation via email.
  4. The order is assigned to a writer.
  5. The writer delivers the first draft to an editor.
  6. The editor reviews the draft and requests changes.
  7. The writer makes changes and delivers the final draft.
  8. The final draft is delivered to you via email.
  9. Review the draft and request a revision within 1 month for free (very rare).

Any concerns? Contact Us or join our Live Customer Support platform.

Our Writers are Qualified

  • Native English speakers
  • Undergraduate, Master or PhD certified

Our Papers are Professional

  • Plagiarism free (original)
  • Correct referencing (APA, Harvard, MLA, etc.)
  • Use of graphics/ pictures/ images
  • Correct grammar
  • No typos

Get these Services for Free

  • Title page
  • Reference list
  • Turnitin report

NB: Custom Papers Writing Help provides custom writing services for research and study assistance purposes only. Our uniquely created reports are meant to help students with the necessary guidelines for their academic coursework tasks.


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in file plugins/privatemessages/includes/classes/ia.front.mailbox.php
Backtrace31885 [8]
Unknown error type [8192]: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls
on line 75 in file includes/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_compilebase.php
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Error [2]
includes/classes/ia.core.smarty.php on line [341]74032
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